
    Wasiat Sebelum Tidur

    Majdi As-Sayyid Ibrahim

      "Ali berkata, Fathimah mengeluhkan bekas alat penggiling yang dialaminya. Lalu pada saat itu ada seorang tawanan yang mendatangi Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Maka Fathimah bertolak, namun tidak bertemu dengan beliau. Dia mendapatkan Aisyah. Lalu dia mengabarkan kepadanya. Tatkala Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tiba, Aisyah mengabarkan kedatangan Fathimah kepada beliau. Lalu beliau mendatangi kami, yang kala itu kami hendak berangkat tidur. Lalu aku siap berdiri, namun beliau berkata. 'Tetaplah di tempatmu'. Lalu beliau duduk di tengah kami, sehingga aku bisa merasakan dinginnya kedua telapak kaki beliau di dadaku. Beliau berkata. 'Ketahuilah, akan kuajarkan kepadamu sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada apa yang engkau minta kepadaku. Apabila engkau hendak tidur, maka bertakbirlah tiga puluh empat kali, bertasbihlah tiga puluh tiga kali, dan bertahmidlah tiga puluh tiga kali, maka itu lebih baik bagimu daripada seorang pembantu". (Hadits Shahih, ditakhrij Al-Bukhari 4/102, Muslim 17/45, Abu Dawud hadits nomor 5062, At-Tirmidzi hadits nomor 3469, Ahmad 1/96, Al-Baihaqy 7/293)
    Wahai Ukhti Muslimah !
    Inilah wasiat Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bagi putrinya yang suci, Fathimah, seorang pemuka para wanita penghuni sorga. Maka marilah kita mempelajari apa yang bermanfa'at bagi kehidupan dunia dan akhirat kita dari wasiat ini.

    Fathimah merasa capai karena banyaknya pekerjaan yang harus ditanganinya, berupa pekerjaan-pekerjaan rumah tangga, terutama pengaruh alat penggiling. Maka dia pun pergi menemui Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam untuk meminta seorang pembantu, yakni seorang wanita yang bisa membantunya.

    Tatkala Fathimah memasuki rumah Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, dia tidak mendapatkan beliau. Dia hanya mendapatkan Aisyah, Ummul Mukminin. Lalu Fathimah menyebutkan keperluannya kepada Aisyah. Tatkala beliau tiba, Aisyah mengabarkan urusan Fathimah.

    Beliau mempertimbangkan permintaan Fathimah. Dan, memang beliau mempunyai beberapa orang tawanan perang, ada pula dari kaum wanitanya. Tetapi tawanan-tawanan ini akan dijual, dan hasilnya akan disalurkan kepada orang-orang Muslim yang fakir, yang tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal dan makanan kecuali dari apa yang diberikan Rasulullah. Lalu beliau pergi ke rumah Ali, suami Fathimah, yang saat itu keduanya siap hendak tidur. Beliau masuk rumah Ali dan Fathimah setelah meminta ijin dari keduanya. Tatkala beliau masuk, keduanya bermaksud hendak berdiri, namun beliau berkata. "Tetaplah engkau di tempatmu". "Telah dikabarkan kepadaku bahwa engkau datang untuk meminta. Lalu apakah keperluanmu?".

    Fathimah menjawab. "Ada kabar yang kudengar bahwa beberapa pembantu telah datang kepada engkau. Maka aku ingin agar engkau memberiku seorang pembantu untuk membantuku membuat roti dan adonannya. Karena hal ini sangat berat bagiku".

    Beliau berkata. "Mengapa engkau tidak datang meminta yang lebih engkau sukai atau lebih baik dari hal itu ?". Kemudian beliau memberi isyarat kepada keduanya, bahwa jika keduanya hendak tidur, hendaklah bertasbih kepada Allah, bertakbir dan bertahmid dengan bilangan tertentu yang disebutkan kepada keduanya. Lalu akhirnya beliau berkata. "Itu lebih baik bagimu daripada seorang pembantu".

    Ali tidak melupakan wasiat ini, hingga setelah istrinya meninggal. Hal ini dikatakan Ibnu Abi Laila. "Ali berkata, 'Semenjak aku mendengar dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, aku tidak pernah meninggalkan wasiat itu".

    Ada yang bertanya. "Tidak pula pada malam perang Shiffin ?".

    Ali menjawab. "Tidak pula pada malam perang Shiffin".
    (Ditakhrij Muslim 17/46. Yang dimaksud perang Shiffin di sini adalah perang antara pihak Ali dan Mu'awiyah di Shiffin, suatu daerah antara Irak dan Syam. Kedua belah pihak berada di sana beberapa bulan)

    Boleh jadi engkau bertanya-tanya apa hubungan antara pembantu yang diminta Fathimah dan dzikir ?

    Hubungan keduanya sangat jelas bagi orang yang memiliki hati atau pikiran yang benar-benar sadar. Sebab dzikir bisa memberikan kekuatan kepada orang yang melakukannya. Bahkan kadang-kadang dia bisa melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pernah dibayangkan. Di antara manfaat dzikir adalah :

    1. Menghilangkan duka dan kekhawatiran dari hati.
    2. Mendatangkan kegembiraan dan keceriaan bagi hati.
    3. Memberikan rasa nyaman dan kehormatan.
    4. Membersihkan hati dari karat, yaitu berupa lalai dan hawa nafsu.
    Boleh jadi engkau juga bertanya-tanya, ada dzikir-dzikir lain yang bisa dibaca sebelum tidur selain ini. Lalu mana yang lebih utama ? Pertanyaan ini dijawab oleh Al-Qady Iyadh : "Telah diriwayatkan dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam beberapa dzikir sebelum berangkat tidur, yang bisa dipilih menurut kondisi, situasi dan orang yang mengucapkannya. Dalam semua dzikir itu terdapat keutamaan".

    Secara umum wasiat ini mempunyai faidah yang agung dan banyak manfaat serta kebaikannya. Inilah yang disebutkan oleh sebagian ulama :

    Menurut Ibnu Baththal, di dalam hadits ini terkandung hujjah bagi keutamaan kemiskinan daripada kekayaan. Andaikata kekayaan lebih utama daripada kemiskinan, tentu beliau akan memberikan pembantu kepada Ali dan Fathimah. Dzikir yang diajarkan beliau dan tidak memberikan pembantu kepada keduanya, bisa diketahui bahwa beliau memilihkan yang lebih utama di sisi Allah bagi keduanya.

    Pendapat ini disanggah oleh Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar. Menurutnya, hal ini bisa berlaku jika beliau mempunyai lebihan pembantu. Sementara sudah disebutkan dalam pengabaran di atas bahwa beliau merasa perlu untuk menjual para tawanan itu untuk menafkahi orang-orang miskin. Maka menurut Iyadh, tidak ada sisi pembuktian dengan hadits ini bahwa orang miskin lebih utama daripada orang kaya.

    Ada perbedaan pendapat mengenai makna kebaikan dalam pengabaran ini. Iyadh berkata. "Menurut zhahirnya, beliau hendak mengajarkan bahwa amal akhirat lebih utama daripada urusan dunia, seperti apapun keadaannya. Beliau membatasi pada hal itu, karena tidak memungkinkan bagi beliau untuk memberikan pembantu. Kemudian beliau mengajarkan dzikir itu, yang bisa mendatangkan pahala yang lebih utama daripada apa yang diminta keduanya".

    Menurut Al-Qurthuby, beliau mengajarkan dzikir kepada keduanya, agar ia menjadi pengganti dari do'a tatkala keduanya dikejar kebutuhan, atau karena itulah yang lebih beliau sukai bagi putrinya, sebagaimana hal itu lebih beliau sukai bagi dirinya, sehingga kesulitannya bisa tertanggulangi dengan kesabaran, dan yang lebih penting lagi, karena berharap mendapat pahala.

    Disini dapat disimpulkan tentang upaya mendahulukan pencari ilmu daripada yang lain terhadap hak seperlima harta rampasan perang.

    Hendaklah seseorang menanggung sendiri beban keluarganya dan lebih mementingkan akhirat daripada dunia kalau memang dia memiliki kemampuan untuk itu.

    Di dalam hadits ini terkandung pujian yang nyata bagi Ali dan Fathimah.

    Seperti itu pula gambaran kehidupan orang-orang salaf yang shalih, mayoritas para nabi dan walinya.

    Disini terkandung pelajaran sikap lemah lembut dan mengasihi anak putri dan menantu, tanpa harus merepotkan keduanya dan membiarkan keduanya pada posisi berbaring seperti semula. Bahkan beliau menyusupkan kakinya yang mulia di antara keduanya, lalu beliau mengajarkan dzikir, sebagai ganti dari pembantu yang diminta.

    Orang yang banyak dzikir sebelum berangkat tidur, tidak akan merasa letih. Sebab Fathimah mengeluh letih karena bekerja. Lalu beliau mengajarkan dzikir itu. Begitulah yang disimpulkan Ibnu Taimiyah. Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar berkata. "Pendapat ini perlu diteliti lagi. Dzikir tidak menghilangkan letih. Tetapi hal ini bisa ditakwil bahwa orang yang banyak berdzikir, tidak akan merasa mendapat madharat karena kerjanya yang banyak dan tidak merasa sulit, meskipun rasa letih itu tetap ada".

    Begitulah wahai Ukhti Muslimah, wasiat Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam yang disampaikan kepada salah seorang pemimpin penghuni sorga, Fathimah, yaitu berupa kesabaran yang baik. Perhatikanlah bagaimana seorang putri Nabi dan istri seorang shahabat yang mulia, harus menggiling, membuat adonan roti dan melaksanakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan rumah tangganya. Maka mengapa engkau tidak menirunya ?

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Short Evening Dresses

    short-evening-dressesThe key to look beautiful not only to choose something that looks good, but also on you. Short evening dresses are very much popular in recent years. They are comfortable and stylish. There are different cuts, fabrics and patterns that are available today that make shopping an enjoyable experience for all fans of fashion. Full fashion arena with its innovative designs and beautiful patterns.
    short-evening-dressesShort evening dresses is perfect attended the reunion party with friends. You will want to put your best fashion foot forward such situations. Generally displays a new trendy look at the top of our minds. Surprising your old friends by wearing a completely new appearance at all is our top priority to certain events. This will give a very feminine look to your personal.
    short-evening-dressesAfter a hard day at work when your friends make plans to go clubbing, you really can not decide what to wear in a tired state of mind. Thus it is important to have a collection of short evening dresses. They make you look beautiful and it takes a lot of your time.

    You'll look pretty and graceful, if you choose a short evening dress to your liking.
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Black Fashion Models 2009

    The current issue of Italian Vogue looks at how the fashion industry has moved past the rail thin negative size models to the lack of black models in the industry.

    In a move that is causing the industry to take a deep look at itself the July issue of Italian Vogue features only black models shot by fashion photographer Steven Meisel. Mr. Meisel is also the photographer behind Madonna’s infamous 1992 book, “Sex”.

    black fashion models
    black fashion models
    black fashion models
    black fashion models
    black fashion modelsSource URL:
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Fashion Models 2009

    Tao Okamoto. Tao Okamoto, Japanese (1987), mysterious, elegant. She had long hair, now it is short. Very professional, very perfectionist.

    models interested in being featured, interviewed or photographed can inquire via e-mail: models (at) - of course replace (at) with @

    Fashion Models
    Fashion Models
    Fashion Models
    Fashion Models
    Fashion ModelsSource URL:
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Tips Memakai Jilbab

    Dulu banyak sekali wanita muslimah yang "enggan" mengenakan jilbab dikarenakan alasan kesehatan, mode dan banyak hal. Sekarang beda...! Jilbab kini sudah merupakan produk Fashion yang selalu berinovasi mulai dari pemilihan bahan, corak, hingga warna. So... wanita muslim tidak lagi ketemu alasan takut ga modis dan dibilang jadul jika mengenakan jilbab.

    Begitu juga dengan Busana Muslim, mengalami perubahan yang pesat, bahkan sebanding dengan Busana Fashion biasa. Untuk lebih tampil menarik, berikut adalah beberapa tips mengenakan jilbab:
    • Pilihlah bahan Jilbab yang ringan, nyaman, adem dan praktis.
    • Pilih bentuk jilbab yang sesuai dengan raut wajah dan acara yang hendak dihadiri.
    • Untuk lebih memberikan kesan elegan dan anggun, padu-padankanlah warna dan corak jilbab dengan busana muslim yang dikenakan.
    • Gunakan bantalan jilbab seperti ciput, bandu atau bandana agar rambut tidak mudah kelihatan.
    • Gunakan aksesoris jilbab seperti bros, dll agar lebih terlihat cantik.
    • Hindari model jilbab yang rumit dan banyak aksesoris untuk pemakaian sehari-hari.
    Demikian beberpa tips dalam mengenakan jilbab, semoga bermanfaat.Source URL:
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Pitti Uomo SS10 Profile: Dougie Hood, director, William Hunt

    A: I think Spring 2011 orders will just about be alright, but our success at William Hunt will be driven by event-wear and tailoring bought specifically for special occasions, from weddings to proms.
    Looking to the autumn 2010 season I think we have a real battle on our hands. Interest rates and VAT are up and both will affect consumer confidence and business. We need the government to issue some kind of statement in the next few months which gives us all hope that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. That's needed to stir sales for spring 2011.

    A: I believe every single brand on their rails needs to have enough personality to make it stand out. Every item in a fashion store has to have enough pulling power to attract people through the front door, to the fitting room and onto the sales desk. Once a customer is through the door and finds something special from a merchandise perspective, the service-led approach of any good indie retailer kicks in and from there on in it should be plain sailing. The good indies are doing alright because they are buying with each specific customer in mind, and that's the approach that's needed in the current climate.

    A: I think buying budgets will hold steady. Retailers need merchandise. They may be cutting back the brands which aren't performing so well but they are buying deeper into the collections which are holding up. It doesn't help that the department stores went on Sale so early. Now the whole market seems to be on Sale and it's far too early in the trading season.

    A: We've spoilt our consumers in the UK. Unfortunately, there's too much choice in the UK where we have brilliant merchandise at every price point. You can buy an Oxford shirt at Ralph Lauren for £85 or you can pick up a Uniqlo version at £16.
    Similarly, the British consumer is spoilt by fast fashion. Take the Touch hall here at Pitti which is populated by artisan-led brands creating the most beautiful product. In the UK, only a handful of consumers will understand this menswear and will be willing to pay the premium price tags because every high street menswear designer is here in Florence and in a few months there will be similar looking styles on the rails of the multiples and at a fraction of the price. It's such a shame. Choice isn't always a good thing.Source URL:
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Trik Memilih Pakaian Agar Terlihat Langsing

    Agar terhindar dari kesalahan memilih atau membeli pakaian, kenalilah kelebihan dan kekurangan tubuh anda. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan
    • Buatlah daftar ukuran tubuh, mulai dari lingkar dada, lingkar pinggang, dll. Carilah kelebihan dan kekurangan tubuh anda untuk menonjolkan kelebihan dan menutupi kekurangan dengan pakaian yang tepat.
    • Cari pakaian yang menarik perhatian pada kelebihan tubuh anda. Bisa dengan menggunakan warna, potongan atau pola yang menarik.
    • Pilih atasan yang menonjolkan kelebihan tubuh anda tanpa menimbulkan kesan seronok, seperti kaus yang berbentuk V atau U atau potongan bahu yang sedikit terbuka seperti kerah sabrina.
    • Jika pinggul anda tergolong besar, pilihlah celana jeans dengan sedikit aksen atau tanpa aksen terutama dibagian kantong.
    • jika anda kurang menyukai bagian tubuh tertentu, tambahkan ekstra kain, warna atau pola yang dapat mengalihkan perhatian.
    • Jika lengan anda tergolong besar, hindari pakaian dengan bantalan bahu atau kerut di lengan.
    • Pilih celana yang sederhana, potongan lurus atau boot cut agar pinggul anda lebih terlihat besar
    Dengan memperhatikan tips diatas, semoga anda lebih jeli dalam memilih dan membeli pakaian baru, sehingga akan lebih mendukung penampilan anda.Source URL:
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Tips Berbusana di Kantor

    Keselarasan Busana Kerja merupakan keharusan bagi anda yang ingin tampil profesional, bagaimanapun juga busana mencerminkan kepribadian seseorang. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam berbusana di kantor, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut.
    Selalu berpakaian rapi dan jangan lupa untuk mempadu-padankan tas yang dipakai dengan busana yang dikenakan. Jangan sampai pakain sudah rapi, tapi tas yang digunakan adalah tas yang biasa dipakai ABG. Begitu juga dengan dompet dan pernak-pernik lainnya. Detail-detail kecil tersebut, bisa merusak keseluruhan penampilan, jika tidak diperhatikan dengan teliti.

    Berkreasi dengan Fashion
    Model pakaian kantor kini semakin beragam, karena itu jangan terlalu monoton dengan pilihan kemeja dan celana panjang saja. Cobalah gunakan dress atau atasan kutung bermotif yang bisa dipadankan dengan rompi atau blazer. Kalau menyukai tampilan warna gelap dalam berbusana, jangan lupa tambahkan sesuatu sebagai fashion statement, misalnya kalung besar atau sepatu dan tas yang cerah.

    Pilihan Make Up
    Sesuaikan make up dengan kondisi dan tempat bekerja. Make up yang tebal, tidak cocok bagi anda yang bekerja diluar ruangan. Matahari dapat saja membuat riasan menjadi luntur dan belepotan. Hindari juga memakai eyeshadow yang mencolok. Riasan seperti itu baiknya digunakan saat pesta.

    Membawa sandal atau sepatu datar
    Memakai sepatu berhak seringkali menyiksa, terutama bagi yang menggunakan kendaraan umum. Untuk itu, bawalah sandal atau sepatu datar dalam tas, kita bisa memakainya saat pergi atau pulang kantor. Jangan lupa untuk membungkus sandal atau sepatu tersebut dengan rapi, agar kebersihan didalam tas selalu terjaga.

    Demikian beberapa tips berbusana di kantor yang penulis ambil dari Katalog Keiza Edisi Juni 2010, semoga bermanfaat.
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Ball Gowns

    ball-gownsMany styles of ball gowns out there on sale by retailers and the market. No matter what event you want is, there are possibilities out there for your dress. Hundreds of thousands of combinations of sizes, colors, styles, and brands can be found. In another type of formal dress women, dress ball sitting on top. You will only wear the dress once in a while, but it does not mean that you do not have to be careful about which one you choose. Type of dress you choose, and color, must be chosen as carefully as possible. One can choose the wrong impression, and likely the last thing you want to do.
    ball-gownsIf you got an invitation saying that the party is the only tie evening gown or white, then it is time for you to start looking for a ball gown. Not many people have them down in a closet waiting to be used they have run into a similar situation before. The fact that the term has the word "ball" anything implies that it only be worn on the ball, but the fact is that the type of gallons must be used every opportunity is very formal.
    ball-gownsMost commonly, you can find these types of dresses in materials like silk, satin, velvet, and taffeta. Material itself should tell you these are not cheap, but the designer brands and the fact they took so much material that makes them as expensive as they are. The designer is as important as the dress style of his own, saw the need to pay close attention to both pick one out. Also make sure that you select the material that comfortable and look good. You will look beautiful and elegant.
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Maxi Dresses...

    I'm a big fan of the maxi dresses at the moment especially the casual styles with big prints. My favourite styles are the halterneck as they make the most petite person look tall and elegant plus they are easy to slip on over a bikini! One of my favourites is the green victoria secret maxi dress in green as it compliments all shapes. I am looking into purchasing a sleevless denim jacket to go over my summery dresses as it makes them look less formal and adds a bit of rock to the very girly boho style. Also the fringed suede gladiator sandals from forever 21 are gorgeous a MUST buy!

    Labels: Victoria's Secret-Green halterneck, Diane Von Furstenburg-Orange and pink dress, Gypsy purple rain-Tie dye dress, Topshop-Denim Jacket and Forever 21-Gladiator Sandals.
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Martinez Ruling: Ninth Circuit Affirmed, but with Remand

    The Court rules that an "all comers" policy, at least as it exists at the Hastings College of Law, is constitutionally reasonable, taking into account all of the surrounding circumstances. The opinion notes that the lower courts did not address the CLS's argument that hastings selectively enforces its "all comers" policy. Therefore, the 9th Circuit may consider that argument if, and to the extent that, it has been preserved by CLS. In dealing with the policy, the Court's opinion notes that it was designed to open eligibility to student organizations given access not only for membership but also for leadership.

    Interestingly, rather than resolving the free association issue, the Court seems to have very narrowly decided the case - dealing with an "all-comers policy" that is virtually unique to Hastings. It appears that the Court has left open the core issue that has bedeviled student groups nationwide, the conflict between free association and nondiscrimination policies that prohibit, among other things, discrimination on the basis of religion and sexual orientation.

    This is pure first blush assessment; more to come as I read through the opinion. Bottom line: a disappointing decision but one that does not come close to settling core constitutional issues on campus. In fact, it doesn't even decide this case since it's remanded for further proceedings.Source URL:
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Culture Fest 2010 by Fikom Unpad (26-6-'10)

    This is it, acara akbar tahunan yang digelar oleh fakultas saya tercinta, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran *bangga* :D
    Festival ini digelar dalam rangka Dies Natalis, dan sekaligus untuk nilai UAS mata kuliah Komunikasi Lintas Budaya mahasiswa SMR II. We all are soo exited! Tiap kelas dibagi menjadi tiga negara, dan kebetulan kelas saya dibagi menjadi negara Jerman, Italia, dan Mesir :))

    Persiapannya memang benar-benar merepotkan, menguras tenaga, pikiran, dan waktu tentu saja... Karena selain kami harus benar-benar bisa mewakili budaya masing-masing negara, kami juga diwajibkan untuk perform tentang budaya yang bersangkutan.
    Tetapi semua kegilaan itu terhapus sudah ketika melihat hasilnya yang memuaskan. Yeaaayyy....!
    Oh iya, kelompok saya mewakili budaya Jerman :)

    *with Yunita Rachman from Western

    *Gondola-ing with Khara Gracia from Italy

    *the girls posing

    *Indian tent

    *Egypt fire performance

    *Italian girls dancing Tarantela

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Culture Fest 2010 by Fikom Unpad (26-6-'10)

    This is it, acara akbar tahunan yang digelar oleh fakultas saya tercinta, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran *bangga* :D
    Festival ini digelar dalam rangka Dies Natalis, dan sekaligus untuk nilai UAS mata kuliah Komunikasi Lintas Budaya mahasiswa SMR II. We all are soo exited! Tiap kelas dibagi menjadi tiga negara, dan kebetulan kelas saya dibagi menjadi negara Jerman, Italia, dan Mesir :))

    Persiapannya memang benar-benar merepotkan, menguras tenaga, pikiran, dan waktu tentu saja... Karena selain kami harus benar-benar bisa mewakili budaya masing-masing negara, kami juga diwajibkan untuk perform tentang budaya yang bersangkutan.
    Tetapi semua kegilaan itu terhapus sudah ketika melihat hasilnya yang memuaskan. Yeaaayyy....!
    Oh iya, kelompok saya mewakili budaya Jerman :)

    *with Yunita Rachman from Western

    *Gondola-ing with Khara Gracia from Italy

    *the girls posing

    *Indian tent

    *Egypt fire performance

    *Italian girls dancing Tarantela

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Pitti Uomo SS10 collection report: Barbour

    It may have been a spring/summer presentation but that didn't stop outerwear specialist Barbour from asserting its ambition to become a trans-seasonal brand.

    One of the highlights on the Barbour stand was the extended International range which included a number of vintage-look reinterpretations of the classic multi-pocket motorcycle jacket. Reworked in a lightweight thorn-proof cotton and various grades of aged fabrics the SS10 versions found the brand removing the 'International' patch from pockets and attaching a larger oiled Union flag patch to the left-hand shoulders.

    Barbour's ongoing collaboration with Japanese designer To Ki To, just gets better with every season. Spring 10's trophy piece is a fitted, olive-coloured field jacket with contrast brown corduroy collar, a single chest patch pocket, extended cuffs and a nifty reserve pocket at the back of the coat. With its rear shoulder vents, zipped game pockets, and ripstop cord tightening hem, the jacket's back details are particularly impressive. We look forward to the new Barbour design collaborations scheduled for announcement later this year.Source URL:
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Easy summer looks...

    Am in love with this site and their amazing t-shirts at Parius Hilton has been wearing one of their designs and she looks preettyy good.
    A must have for summer with high waisted shorts,gladiator sandals and aviator sunglasses- outfit done.

    Ashley Tisdale looks gorgeous in her aviator sunglasses, whitewashed cropped denim skirt and white floaty top. Luckily for us this is an easy look to imitate and will suit nearly anybody! I dont think we'll be able to afford the ray-bans though...shame, off to primark!
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Hiya fashion addicts ;) Bargain buy here...

    This is my first ever blog so I'm pretty excited apart from the fact I'm basically talking to myself as noone will ever read this... haa. Anyways this blog is about my love and views of fashion so I hope you enjoy it. Anyway rambling on sooo...

    I am in love with a few new acessories I bought a few days ago and they are BARGAIN price. This gorgeous cream beaded rose bracelet from "Suzie Blue" it looks vintage and the was only £3.99!<--check out more stuff from suzie blue! It looks gorgeous with all outfits and is perfect to quickly put on to dress up an outfit. I love it as an everyday item as it says on your wrist without moving around like bangles do. I am also loving this amazing floppy blue hat I found in cancer research for £4 and my floral vest top (£1.50) from primark and my denim jacket also from primark for £12
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Hot Evening Dresses


    Heading out for a night on the town, whether dinner and drinks at a local hotspot, taking in live music, or dancing until dawn at a packed club is an opportunity to flaunt your figure in a sexy dress. Getting dressed for your evening is easy when you keep a selection of the hot evening dresses in your closet - throw one on with some sexy heels and you are ready to head out the door.
    hot-evening-dressesHot evening dresses has always allowed women to dress a little more provocatively, even back when women were wearing huge dresses with miles of fabric and constrictive undergarments, evening was the time when the could come out and the shoulders could be bared. While the rules have changed and the nightlife is much different, women to this day up the ante on their fashion choices when the sun goes down. It's not just the exposed skin that makes a night dress stand out from daytime counterparts. Hot evening dresses for evening usually offer more in the way of glamour and extravagance. Metallic fabrics, rhinestone and beaded accents, daring slits and cutouts are all features of dresses suited for the nightlife.
    hot-evening-dressesHot evening dresses go best with heavier accessories, large earrings, heavy necklaces and bracelets with glistening stones. Darker makeup is also a great accessory in itself, making you really stand out and complimenting the glamour of your sexy dress. Dark smoky eyes and tempting red lipstick are perfect companions to a gorgeous dress when you are headed out for the evening.
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Party Evening Dresses

    Types of dresses that can never fail are called party evening dresses. In fact the party evening dresses can be as varied and different to each other than to call a category of dress is something bold, yet its importance we will give you the best advice that you succeed fill your wardrobe of the Top party evening dresses. When properly choose a party dress is appropriate to take into account many factors, and is so easy to make a mistake it's best to go for parts and distinguish different types of gowns that may exist.
    party-evening-dressesTo begin we have to choose a party evening dress that is appropriate for season and time of year to hold the event. One need not be very smart to realize that keeping a dress winter to a summer party can become an ordeal, just as would happen if they carry a summer dress to a winter festival. It also occurs in spring and autumn because the spring must be dressed colorful and sensual.
    party-evening-dressesIt is also important to wear dresses according to our age, older ladies should not carry modern dress designed to young girls, adolescents which generally are more casual, bold and even provocative. In the case of adult female, these dresses and they are completely out of tune badly. This does not mean that adult women should be dressed as grandmothers; you should always go sensual but according to our age. Overcome this, the most important thing is to limit the type of party they attend. As you will know all submitted to a company dinner with a party dress designed for dances is a mistake.
    party-evening-dressesMany girls are overwhelmed by not finding appropriate sizes for them or not knowing how saves money when getting a Perfect party dress. Well, it is interesting to expand our circle of purchases more than the department store or shop the corner. It is sometimes advisable to move to another city. Another interesting option is the buying clothes online. There are huge catalogs of party dresses with thousands of photos and imagery party evening dresses, you can buy at very reasonable prices Cheap. This is undoubtedly one of the most requested options lately.
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New York Fashion Week 2009 2010

    For Spring 2009, Nanette Lepore delivered a collection that radiated sultry femininity with hints of mischievous romance. Capturing the carefree essence of spring was the "anything goes" vibe exuded by each look where there are no restrictions when it comes to mixing patterns, shapes, textures, silhouettes, style, and so on. Ethereal silk dresses with cropped leather coats, sleek stripes paired with flirty florals, statements frocks with statement jewelry and super statement shoes- you get the point. Never one to stray too far from her ultra-femme aesthetic, we saw ruffles galore, lush garden florals, cinched waists, and loads of vibrant colors that can€™t help but make you embrace your inner girly girl.

    new york fashion week
    new york fashion week
    new york fashion week
    new york fashion week
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